التشكلات الجمعوية النسائية في العراق حركة أو نشاط نسوي أو نسائي؟
الكلمات المفتاحية:
The development of the associations life span after the year 2003 was connected with the political and social transformations that followed the collapse of the power, as this phase had witnessed unprecedented growth of the number of feminine associations with all their references. This study is trying to trace the components of what is called the feminine movement in Iraq which means the associations and the organizations working in the field of the woman and analyzing their basic glimpses and the most important challenges facing their transformation to a public movement. Most important of the features that characterizes the associational work in Iraq is the absence of specialty as these associations lack the outline that regulates their work , in a way that redistributes the roles and specialties among the associations according to the capabilities and experiences of each one that it possess. The division of the ideological orientations of the womanly frames had reflected on the nature of the work and the interventions to improve the reality of the woman. There's a conflict between the values of modernization which caters for the rights of the woman which are adopted by liberal female activists and the values of the past promoted by Islamic female activists who support and emphasize for the rank- lowering of the woman. Feminine associational formations suffer from the phenomenon of lifetime leadership, this means that the chairman of the board is the same person who is the founder and the manager and that makes the association size-reduced by only its head personnel. Most important of the limitations that stand as an obstacle in developing the work of the feminine organizations and their transformation to public movement is the weakness of capabilities in the field of rallying ( mobilization ) and the organizing as these organizations couldn’t manage to rally ( mobilize ) women from the different classes to be enrolled in their queues.الملخص
كيفية الاقتباس
جميل رشيد ا. (2020). التشكلات الجمعوية النسائية في العراق حركة أو نشاط نسوي أو نسائي؟. مجلة المستنصرية للعلوم والتربية, 18(6), 719–736. استرجع في من https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/310
Research Article