Sectarianism in the minutes of parliamentary debates for the Lebanese ministerial statements 1943-1958


  • Dr. Basem Ahmed Hashem Al-Ghanimi


 Many Arab societies were well known in their interconnected historical social experiences. Those experiences could give a living example for the peaceful coexistence in a time they were integrated on denominational not sectarian principles. These two terms denomination and sect  were, indeed, as important as contradictory. The first term provide a good proof for the peaceful coexistence in Lebanon. Whereas the second one denotes an artificial paradigm for the social dissonance in that country. Hence, many external factors as the French imperial domination tried to widen the gap among the different denominations and fantasize  the sectarianism in Lebanon.

 This social variety founded number of dimensions in Lebanon. The political one can be ranked as the first one since it established some essence which might be called as the historical entitlement for some Lebanese denominations that subjected to the politics of division of the Western colonization. This has negatively been reflected on the nature of the social relations and on the framework of the  popular representation of the Lebanese legislative organization that contained disproportionate entities of the various sects. This resulted in many differences through the parliamentary discussions and many cases of agreement and disagreement in regard with statements raised by the government. This research is specifically intended to deal with such statements which were introduced to find out solutions for the sectarian question.



How to Cite

Ahmed Hashem Al-Ghanimi أ. ب. . (2021). Sectarianism in the minutes of parliamentary debates for the Lebanese ministerial statements 1943-1958. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(1), 591–612. Retrieved from



Research Article