صور بطولية عن هوسات واهازيج ثورة العشرين


  • م.م. عبد الحميد شندي عوان


1- The environment of Mid-Euphrates is a poetic one that enjoys unique characteristics.
2- The poets and chanters are characterized by the power of their intuition cunningness.

3- The poets and chanters are characterized by strong memory and fertile imagination.
4- The Southerners and the Mid-Euphrates people were subjected to oppression along the history that was the main motivation that pushed the poets and chants who wrote the dialectic poetry, verses and chants.
5- Most of the patriotic tribes, especially the Euphrates tribes, participated in the clerical fatwas as well as the values of nomadism represented by invoking the tribal spirit.

6- The Iraqi poetesses especially form Mid-Euphrates, shared throughout history man in his ordeal. They were tested in more than one historical situation and remained so in that rebel spirit supporting man in the arena of struggle and fight. When the 1920 Revolution broke out she was supporting him morally by the chants.




كيفية الاقتباس

م.م. عبد الحميد شندي عوان. (2020). صور بطولية عن هوسات واهازيج ثورة العشرين . مجلة المستنصرية للعلوم والتربية, 18(4), 613–640. استرجع في من https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/90



Research Article