The Effectiveness Of Enriching Environmental Activities In Acquiring The Geographical Concepts For 5th Grade Literary High School Class Students And Their Motivation Toward Learning


  • Zena Mosa Shllal
  • Mohammed Jawad Kadhi


Environmental Activities, Acquiring the Geographical Concepts, Motivation


The present study aims to identify of the effect of enriching environmental activities in acquiring the geographical concepts of 5th grade literary high school pupils and their motivation toward learning, and to achieve such target the researcher had identified the following assumptions: levels of goals and testing item for each level by this the goals were 45 and the number of testing items for acquiring the geographical concepts were 45 testing items

The test of acquiring the concepts and the scale of motivation toward learning were applied on the two study group pupils and then the researcher had correct the answers and she treated them statistically by T-test, and the results showed the following: who were taught by the traditional method in the after learning motive and in the light of these results the researcher recommend the following:

1-         Making the teachers of geography of 5th grade literary high school, participate in training courses to make them know the concepts, and their importance in teaching and learning and how make the pupils acquiring them.

2-         Make a second look to the programs of preparing the teachers in education colleges and basic education, where there must be share for the activities in studying curricula which are submitted when preparing the teachers.

3-         That the environmental activities become an integrate part of the school curriculum and each teacher has to use the enriching environmental activities.



How to Cite

Mosa Shllal م. ز. ., & Jawad Kadhi ا. م. . (2021). The Effectiveness Of Enriching Environmental Activities In Acquiring The Geographical Concepts For 5th Grade Literary High School Class Students And Their Motivation Toward Learning. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(3), 655–674. Retrieved from



Research Article