Morocco in the Era of the French Protectorate 1912 - 1956


  • Hoda Hussein Musa Al-Khafaji



: Morocco, France, protection.


On May 30, 1912, the French government signed the Treaty of Fez with Morocco, according to which Sultan Mawla Abd al-Hafiz gave up the sovereignty of Morocco in favor of France, and it was called the (Treaty of Protection). Thirteen years, he left his mark, which remains in the hearts of the Maghreb to this day.

The historical period in which the treaty was signed is of great importance to the Far Maghreb, as it allowed General Lyautey to implement his policy, impose the French military grip and establish its presence in the country through the diversity of methods, and his ability to control Morocco due to his colonial and commercial experience in the French colonies, and his good knowledge what enabled him. It made events in the period between 912 to 925, leaving traces of this policy among Moroccan society.

In this research, we will try to study this treaty, its effects, and the circumstances that preceded it. We divided it into four topics: The first dealt with the conditions of Morocco before

imposing the protection system. As for the second topic, he talked about the 1912 Protection Treaty and the domestic and international reactions. With regard to the third topic, we dealt with the Far West in the era of the French protectorate and it includes:

National Resistance.

- The transition to political action.

- The end of the French protectorate and the country's independence.

As for the fourth topic, it dealt with General Lyautey’s policy in the Far Maghreb 1912-1925




How to Cite

Hoda Hussein Musa Al-Khafaji. (2021). Morocco in the Era of the French Protectorate 1912 - 1956. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(4), 489–502.



Research Article
