Military Spending in the Middle East for the Period 2009-2019 Studies in Political Geography


  • Saeed Abd Ali Hassan
  • Muthanna Mishaan Khlaf Al Mazrouei



The Middle East region represents one of the most growing political regions and military spending in the world, as the rate of military spending reached about 4.4%, while the global rate of military spending did not exceed 2.2%, and this, if anything, indicates the magnitude of the challenges facing the entire region Through the regional arms race and the outputs of that armament, which are usually translated in the form of interventions, conflicts and proxy wars, as well as a percentage of what is deducted from the national income, which can contribute to the economic development of those countries, and the military spending of Middle Eastern countries varies through the volume of purchases evident for economic reasons. And justifications related to national security, especially for the Gulf states, which oil has contributed to turning into the largest international spenders on arms, to be added to the list of the most heavily armed countries such as Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Israel, which represented aspects of that traditional armament in the Middle East.




How to Cite

Saeed Abd Ali Hassan, & Muthanna Mishaan Khlaf Al Mazrouei. (2021). Military Spending in the Middle East for the Period 2009-2019 Studies in Political Geography. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(4), 521–531.



Research Article
