Education in Africa and the role of missionary missions in that area (Tanzania model) From foreign occupation until independence


  • عبد الخالق محمد عبد


education, missions, Tanzania.


Education in Tanzania was dominated by Missionary missionaries from European countries, particularly Britain, where the colonial educational system was instilled and Tanzania inherited a subsequent educational system that was not appropriate to the reality in which it lived. The difference was clear and the differences in education between races, tribes and Tanzanian regions, The Church has the final word, since the mission of missionaries is to teach a generation of people the principles of Christianity.

   After the union between Zanzibar and Tanzania in 1964, there have been significant changes in education and the emergence of educated elements that have succeeded in transferring education from British to Tanzania. Educational institutions have been increasing and education has been free, especially in primary education, and through education, the people are united without distinction.




How to Cite

عبد الخالق محمد عبد. (2022). Education in Africa and the role of missionary missions in that area (Tanzania model) From foreign occupation until independence. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 23(2), 279–287. Retrieved from



Research Article