Determine the Best Mathematical Model for the Camera Viewing Angle as a Function of Object Distance


  • Heba Kh.Abbas
  • Anwar Hassan M.Al-saleh
  • Ali Abid. D.AL-Zuky


In present paper a mathematical model to determine the view angle of a camera as a function of object distance for each zoom number where the fitting curves for the practical data of the view angle(????ℎ????????????ℎ????,????????????????????ℎ) in the image plane which constant in the all object distances (D) for each camera zoom number. Then find the mathematical modeling equation that relates view angle, real distance (D) and camera zoom number (Z) to estimate height and width for the view angle. A graph between view angle and distance (D) to the theoretical and practical results has been tabulated and there was a very good similarity between them and close to the real measurements.




How to Cite

Kh.Abbas, H., Hassan M.Al-saleh , A., & D.AL-Zuky, A. A. (2020). Determine the Best Mathematical Model for the Camera Viewing Angle as a Function of Object Distance. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 17(3), 47–54. Retrieved from



Research Article