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  • sundos alkhalidiu


The current research aims at knowing the effect of strategy of " PDEODE" on
acquiring the grammar concepts for the 3rd –stage female students and through
exciting the following inquiry:
To what extent the grammar concepts are assimilated and understood by the
female students for both groups (experimental group studying strategy of "
PDEODE" and control group studying with traditional method)
The two researchers have placed the following Zero hypothesis:
" there is not statistically difference at level (0,05) between averages of
experimental group studying Grammar with PDEODE strategy and averages of
control group studying the same subject but with the traditional method to
require grammar conceptions.
The two researchers have chosen (on purpose) " Um Salima intermediate School
that includes 4 sections for the 3rd stage. It has been randomly chosen B section as to represent the control group , while C section for experimental group. The
sample of the research has amounted 60 female students with 30 students for
every section.
The two researchers have equalized between the two groups statistically by
using T. Test in the coefficients ( age , marks of Arabic language in the final
exam for the former academic year for the 2nd –stage intermediate school. It has
been used square (Kie) in the education of the fathers and mothers and
intelligence test).
After the two researchers have determined the scientific topics that will be
studied during the experiment, it has been prepared a plan for that purpose. This
plan has been offered to a set of experts and specialists. Some amendments have
been carried out according to their opinions and the plans hence become ready.
In order to scale the acquiring of skills by the female students ( both groups) , it
has been prepared after-test as to acquire the concepts. The test includes 39
items offered to a set of experts and specialists to prove its reliability and
consistence for analyzing its items and for calculating its consistence. The test
applied on a sample ( 195) female students ( from the Al-Anfal School) . After
analyzing results of the students ' answers that being processed statistically by
using the statistic means , it has been found that the items of the test are good .
For calculating the test consistence , it has been applied on a sample ( 100)
students. (Kudor Richardson's equation used and the consistence becomes 0.85
which is good coefficient . After the end of experiment lasted for 9 weeks ,
post-test applied on both groups.
After analyzing the students ' answers processed statistically by using T.test , it
has explained that there has been statistic difference on acquiring grammar
concepts for the both groups , for the benefit of experimental group in most of
grammar concepts. In respect to the hypothesis, it has indicated that there have
been statistic differences between averages of both groups and for the benefit
of experimental group students studying grammatical concepts by using (
PDEODE) strategy. In respect to the 2nd hypothesis , it has indicated that there
has been statistical difference between averages of both groups and for the
benefit of experimental group students studying grammatical concepts by
using ( PDEODE) strategy.
Based on the result of the research , the two researchers have proved the effect of
the (PDEODE) strategy within the scope of the current study on having the 3rd –
stage students acquire grammatical concepts by equilibrium with the traditional
method. It has been recommended to rely on the strategy of " PDEODE" into
teaching Grammar in 3rd stage secondary school. It has been suggested to carry
out a study identical to the present one in other studying stages.



How to Cite

alkhalidiu, ???? ??? ??????. (2020). ??? ?????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????? ???????. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 16(6), 43–114. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/19



Research Article