An Investigation Tool for Analyzing Electrostatic Lenses


  • Hassan N. Al-Obaidi
  • Ali A. Rashead Al-Azawy


A software designing tool for electrostatic lenses is presented in this work. The introduced tool is collected to work under main software named VDTEL, where this abbreviation refers to Visual designing tool for electrostatic lenses. The VDTEL software is written in Visual Basic which works under Microsoft Visual Studio-2013 so as to be used easily even though with a non-genius computer users. The presented software has been attached with previous software which computes the electrostatic potential for electrostatic lenses. The presented software has the ability to compute the objective properties for any electrostatic lens. Furthermore, it may compute and plot together or separately any cardinal element of this lens.
This computation, however, can be executed for each of the well-known four magnification modes, i.e. zero, infinite, low and high magnification conditions.
The comparison results have clearly shows that there is an excellent identical computation which could be obtained from VDTEL software for the same lens when it is analyzed with other counterpart software.




How to Cite

Al-Obaidi , H. N. ., & Al-Azawy, A. A. R. (2020). An Investigation Tool for Analyzing Electrostatic Lenses. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 17(1), 39–46. Retrieved from



Research Article