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  • hamed saleh


The psychological critique trend is not new in Arab literature and the poets and writers aroused psychological issues and critique issues in the heritage of the Arab literary can not be ignored and can be monitored in a Ibn Al-Rumi and Abu Tammam and Mutanabi and Abe Ala Maari and what wrote about them from critique approach and psychological, past and present. Psychological trend has become in modern Arabic literature a general phenomenon, especially in emigration poets, writers and poets expressing their new environments and what they faced from psychological difficulties have deepened their sense of alienation and pain and longing to the motherland and to the parents,
In immigrant their liberty invited them to ask Psychological and philosophical questions about the self-existence and their secrets, and can be observed in their offspring contemplative as Ilya Aby Mazi in his collection of poems(Jadawel and Khamail) and Shafiq Malouf in (Ahlam) and Fawzi Malouf in( the flame of suffering and the Flying Carpet) and Mikhail Naima, And they entered in the depths of the soul and set up their personality and literary attitudes which appeared in their poetic and prose offspring and the meditative trend have effected in their literature and criticism in the north Arabic but a literary critics have been heavily influenced by psychology and its analysis and the psychological critics become a considerable critique method in the twentieth century in the East as in the West, and this approach based on the basis of the behavior of the human psyche and the literary offspring interpreted ( poetry and prose) as a result of the desires and motivations and emotional tendencies and non-emotional and as a result of non-emotional falling and confusion and tensile factors in the character of the writer. The parts of this trend interpreted the literary works by reading it and connect it to the autobiography of the writer to reveal their relationship to what writes according to psychoanalysis in order to reflect the impact of



How to Cite

saleh, hamed. (2020). ?? ?????? ?????? - ?????? ?????. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 16(6), 115–130. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/22



Research Article