فاعلية برنامج تعليمي مقترح لتطوير كفايات تدريس حروف خط الرقعة لدى طلبة قسم التربية الفنية


  • Dr .Atia wassa Abbood


Confirms specialists Our generation lived great changes and severe
challenges due to the rapid trickle of information and production profuse in
modern theories, the enormous advances in technological fields and in all
fields until it became what he learned today may not be valid for tomorrow's
generation, and this is the foundation sees scientists according to their
appreciation of the scientific age of most Science at the present time ten years
or less and then renames a new image.

Highlights the problem of the research, including the following:
•neglect of Arabic calligraphy in all grades) Starting / medium / preparative( .
•varying efficiencies of teachers and teachers in the teaching method on
according to their levels and experience.
•the evolution of the use of the techniques of learning in all scientific and
technical disciplines and the survival of the teaching of Arabic calligraphy on
according to the traditional simulation process, which made the process of
teaching calligraphy in the early grades, is facing a number of noteworthy
difficulties, this is prompting a researcher to identify and to seek scientific
solutions appropriate, so as to relieve the burden on the learner, as the
educational program on the basis of an objective process has been dealing
with some of them and leading to the advancement of educational learning,
and he was identifying the problem of this research develop an educational
program to develop the competencies of teaching letters al ruqa calligraphy
the students of Department of technical Education.
The researcher used the experimental method is experimental and control
groups, and be the research community from the second grade students of the
Department of Technical Education and totaling 170 students spread over four
halls, chose researcher sample for examination (60) students spread over two
halls was where Hall (3 ) experimental Hall Group (5) of the control group, as
the researcher designed an educational program to teach the rules of letters al
ruqa calligraphy, as a promising researcher Note to evaluate the performance
of students form as well as Agra researcher test of tribal and test after me, and
after the end of the experiment, the researcher to the conclusions of the
1- conclude improve skill performance of students in the writing of letters patch
line well .zar that there is growth and development of the products of the
students in the subject of calligraphy (al ruqa calligraphy) appeared efficiency
and effectiveness of the educational program to improve the performance of
students in the teaching of Arabic calligraphy (line area) and this shows that
the program has a positive effect on students learning teachers.
3- educational programs fit the teaching of knowledge, skills and techniques
leads the student to rely on itself through self-learning.
4- .We conclude that when a study program and Mastery will be reflected on
the efficiency of teaching Ijaa al ruqa calligraphy effectively by teachers of
The researcher recommend the following:
1 .interest in the development of teaching calligraphy according programs and
modern teaching methods.
2. prepare curricula for Arabic calligraphy for all grade levels.
3 .The preparation of teachers of Arabic calligraphy able to teach Arabic
calligraphy on according to modern strategies.

4 .Increase calligraphy stakes in the departments of art education to be able to
cover the material calligraphy in all its aspects.
5 .inflict teachers of technical education training courses in the field of Arabic




How to Cite

wassa Abbood أ. .د. ع. (2020). فاعلية برنامج تعليمي مقترح لتطوير كفايات تدريس حروف خط الرقعة لدى طلبة قسم التربية الفنية. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 18(2), 469–504. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/240



Research Article