Verb verb in the Holy Quran, a study in the story of Ibrahim the Prophet


  • Abdulzahraa Al Salem


Theory of act of verbal theories That took a large part of the lesson and research, and, more recently, an old  As researchers have supplanted exact explanation   Focusing on nuanced Therefore this research touching on the most prominent concepts describing the old heritage   And then, in describing studies which had had a clear concept of denoting, after the theoretical side in the two studies (old) deliberately, and, more recently, the researcher applied to the lesson, which was found in the space of the story of Ibrahim peace in the Holy Koran background material for the study showing the attest, language, which is known as when to speak and direct and indirect highlights three issues, a question mark, it is, and the appeal



How to Cite

Al Salem ع. . (2020). Verb verb in the Holy Quran, a study in the story of Ibrahim the Prophet. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 16(4), 81–100. Retrieved from



Research Article