Indicatives and symbol in kaleel hawee, s poetry.


  • Ass .professor Hadee sadak Ezgair
  • D . Ameera Muhamed mahamood


This study searched for the poet uses symbols and connotations that reveal a relationship poet its environment and the impact of factors Albeaih what they disorders and psychological changes on the poet.

The place was filled space in the biggest Khalil Hawi hair, was the Effectiveness of the most influential place for its diversity and multiplicity of patterns. But time is not aware of the senses, but through human activity in this place or that, they go hand in hand, as do not think a place without time or place without a good while, Vdalalat temporal codes can not be captured only by the movement of the place controlled movement of the time.

She studied the implications of the role of each other symbols of such a symbol in the disclosure of the poet and Iatlj at the same perceptions of the objective of his world through the eyes of the poet self-existence

She studied in this research semantics spatial symbols include:

1 - Location (sea)

2 - Location (hut)

3 - the place (the cave)

4 - the place (the bridge)

5 - the place (house)

6 - the place (the train)

And temporal semantics and symbols which are divided into: 1 - semantics last time

2 - indications of future time

Other signs and symbols, such as: 1 - 2 Albesarh - Clown 3. Flute 4 - black Bedouin 5 - 6 hermit - Face 7 - religious symbol, and Conclusion and search results



How to Cite

sadak Ezgair أ. . م. . د. . ه. ., & Muhamed mahamood د. . ا. (2020). Indicatives and symbol in kaleel hawee, s poetry. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 16(4), 101–146. Retrieved from



Research Article