Comparison between Hiding in Corners Regions and Hiding in Regions between Corners by using Characteristic Regions of FAST Corner Detection


  • أ.م. د.عبدالأمير عبدالله كريم
  • م.أخلاص فالح ناصر

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Information hiding, Steganography, FAST, LSB, Extracting.


The invisible science of communication is called steganography. It
employs various useful applications. Hiding of information change almost
whole cover image for most techniques of steganography that perhaps
affect negatively the visual quality of an image and raise the potential of
hidden data losing after the potential attacks. This research offers a novel
technique for steganography based on hiding between corners regions to
solve this problem, which was hiding data in the robust regions of an
image. The approach has been employed to discover the robust image
regions between corners which are resulted by employing features from
accelerated segment test (FAST) method. The outcomes displayed that the
accuracy of hiding data between corners regions is higher for retrieving an
embedded data and that the visual embedded image quality than embedded
data into corners regions themselves.




كيفية الاقتباس

عبدالله كريم D., & فالح ناصر E. . (2020). Comparison between Hiding in Corners Regions and Hiding in Regions between Corners by using Characteristic Regions of FAST Corner Detection. مجلة المستنصرية للعلوم والتربية, 18(3), 225–238. استرجع في من



Research Article