??????? ?????????? ??????? ( 1978 - 1992 )????? ???????


  • wissam hadi


(Abstract) Led the transition of China to socialism in 1949, and progress achieved success in its economic policy, despite the circumstances that surrounded by densely populated enormous and the lack of some raw materials, as well as climate variability, experience full of lessons for the majority of developing countries, as there is a joint assessment that the importance of experience, some of which reduces while others exaggerate its importance, and competing interpretations and estimates which makes continuing to study the issue of vitality. In light of this came this research to give a concise picture of Chinese economic policy (1978-1992), a term of Chinese leader (Deng Xiaoping) came to power, especially since the era of President (Mao Zedong) studied in many books and theses. Search section Ay three main axes, first touched on the importance of geographical location on economic activity, and to give an overview of the economic policy for the years (1949-1976). The second axis dealt with the importance of economic reforms in the era of (Deng), and their impact on the development of economic politicians by the increase of foreign Alognibh investments in China, while explained last theme, the elements of economic policy, and focused it on the agricultural, industrial and trade policies, which can be counted column spine to revive the Chinese economy.


Led the transition of China to socialism in 1949, and progress achieved success in its economic policy, despite the circumstances that surrounded by densely populated enormous and the lack of some raw materials, as well as climate variability, experience full of lessons for the majority of developing countries, as there is a joint assessment that the importance of experience, some of which reduces while others exaggerate its importance, and competing interpretations and estimates which makes continuing to study the issue of vitality.
In light of this came this research to give a concise picture of Chinese economic policy (1978-1992), a term of Chinese leader (Deng Xiaoping) came to power, especially since the era of President (Mao Zedong) studied in many books and theses. Search section Ay three main axes, first touched on the importance of geographical location on economic activity, and to give an overview of the economic policy for the years (1949-1976). The second axis dealt with the importance of economic reforms in the era of (Deng), and their impact on the development of economic politicians by the increase of foreign Alognibh investments in China, while explained last theme, the elements of economic policy, and focused it on the agricultural, industrial and trade policies, which can be counted column spine to revive the Chinese economy.



How to Cite

hadi, ????. (2020). ??????? ?????????? ??????? ( 1978 - 1992 )????? ???????. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 16(6), 205–228. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/30



Research Article