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  • zakia al-dalimi



The oriental Edumnd Bosworth is considered one of most well-known

personality of the British Academy (school) as a specialized oriental in the

Islamic history, and Iranian and the Asian history during the medieval eras.

Bosworth dedicated his researches to the history of the Ghaznavids history,

then his researches extended to cover the Seljukian era.

Bosworth wrote his thesis "The Transfer of Authority from the

Ghaznavids to the Seljukian in the eastern Islamic area began tackling the

important sides of this historical era. He throws light generally on to the

historical, social, economical and the military sides of the Ghaznavids state,

depending on the historical studies approaching his specialization. Hence, his

researches were sound and established, and objective.

This research aims at throwing light on Bosworth's point of view

regarding the military organization established by the Ghaznavids. It is

known that this state was founded on military bases depending on Turkish

slaved who served the Sultan state until the got their liberty and began ruling

their emirates, then they made small states of their own depending on their

military experience represented in their leader Aletkeen and the sultan

Mas'ood Bin Mahmood.

The military mechanism and power represented the base this state

depended on at the time of their initiation. Bosworth tried to show the strong

profile of the state and its warfare role. So, his studies represents his studying

the military vitals of emergence of the Turkish factor and its initiation

development in the eastern Islamic state. Bosworth tackled all the components

of the army, nature of organization, weapons, Diwan alaaridh, salaries and

wages of the warriors, their components and figures.

This research tackled deeply Bosworth's ideas with objective analyze of his

viewpoint regarding the military mechanism of the Ghaznavids.



How to Cite

al-dalimi, ????. (2020). ???? ???????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????????. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 16(6), 229–250. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/31



Research Article