" weakness enables postgraduate students to determine the appropriate statistical methods of educational and psychological their researches" Causes and processors”


  • mathil kamil thamer


The present study aims to determine the underlying causes of the weakness
enables postgraduate students to choose appropriate statistical methods
educational and psychological for their research, and to identify treatments
which they can reduce this phenomenon, the study was limited to students who
have completed master's and doctoral terms of reference for Educational and
Psychological Science study and to those who are still in writing stage and the
supervisors of the professors at the universities of Baghdad and the Al-
Mustansiriya and the years 2012/2013 until 2014/2015.
The researcher found through interviews for a number of respondents and
provide a questionnaire open to answer them, that there are many reasons for this
phenomenon, perhaps in the forefront of the great weaknesses in the background
of the students in the educational statistics, since some of them had not been
subjected to the study of absolute statistics in previous grades, others its
priorities had studied in a simple, and the other reason that he referred to some of
the students is a short period in which examines census phase master's or
doctorate, which may not exceed one semester, Another reason is the weakness
of the same professor who teaches this course (article) for postgraduate students
since there is of them specialized for Educational Statistics, and there is another
reason which is that some of the educational and psychological disciplines, especially in the doctoral phase are not taught this course, and some of the
disciplines in which an optional subject .
As for the processors reached by this study was the most important teaching of
Educational Statistics in Bachelors Degree of all educational and psychological
disciplines stage as well as opening specialization in master's and doctoral study
of Educational Statistics, preferably prior to this open study diploma in Statistics
psychological and educational measurement, accept the students who have
completed majoring in mathematical Statistics university study a prelude to their
transfer to study master's degree in educational Statistics، And that is teaching or
course Educational Statistics for two semesters for students of master's or
doctorate, in all disciplines of Educational and Psychological Sciences, And that
the focus in the teaching of this article on how to choose the appropriate
statistical means and how to interpret the result use more than how to make, and
that does not cost the teaching of Educational Statistics of not specialized in it,
and when you are not a specialist offers are assigned to specialized psychological
analogy, provided that they have the expertise and efficiency with adequate its
purview, and his books or studies in the field of educational Statistics.



How to Cite

kamil thamer م. . (2020). " weakness enables postgraduate students to determine the appropriate statistical methods of educational and psychological their researches" Causes and processors”. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 18(2), 175–192. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/381



Research Article