الأثر العلمي لهجرة القبائل العربية والبربرية إلى بلاد السودان الغربي من القرن ‏الخامس الهجري حتى القرن العاشر الهجري


  • أنوار جاسم حسن العنبكي ‏
  • زهراء يوسف إسماعيل


Islam is a great example for sophistication, evolution and civilization according to the African Paganism, so it was a constructive step in the development of many aspects of African society which helped the establishment and growth of many trading cities and contributed to the political progress of the countries and the African Emirates, besides the emersion of cultural centers and it also showed a basic explanation in habits and morals.

By the emergence of Islam and its entrance to Western Sudan, the relationship between Muslims and Pagans became religious-cultural relationship of the first class, this religious relationship came to make these people from one nation that seeks their moral values and life systems from one source which is Islam with its life comprehensive aspects, so it was natural for the Western Sudan people to hurry up and learn its language so they can perform their rituals perfectly.

Culture had its share in the process of Islam spreading in the southern desert, Africa which was a way of living, which was represented firstly by teaching Quran and its language, then the provisions of the doctrine and its principles, that is the culture in that stage was based on teaching the Sudanese the Islamic doctrine with all of its behaviors and provisions.




How to Cite

أنوار جاسم حسن العنبكي ‏, & زهراء يوسف إسماعيل. (2020). الأثر العلمي لهجرة القبائل العربية والبربرية إلى بلاد السودان الغربي من القرن ‏الخامس الهجري حتى القرن العاشر الهجري. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(2), 461–484. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/455



Research Article