فعالية برنامج إرشادي لتحفيز الذكاء الوجداني في خفض التنمر المدرسي لدى طلبة الثالث متوسط


  • م. ابتسام ابراهيم شحل



The problem centers on bull students violent reactions towards others within and without school, which as a consequence, cause physical and mental damages that materialize as painful experiences that may accompany an individual all his life. The risk of bullying may lead to permanent disabilities or death, which in turn leads to problems and tribal and tribal conflicts that may be resolved in an unsafe manner ,such as taking revenge or legal action like imprisonment with ransom and thus the student fails to achieve his future and achieve himself. He loses Respect and appreciation of the society and the fate of his family becomes unknown and the great negative of psychological, social and economic effects ,so the researcher took some research and applied methods aimed at reducing the reducing the negative effects of this non-civilization phenomenon, named bullying by adopting one of the Behavior syndrome mechanisms which is the Emotional intelligence .The objectives of the current study are formulated according to the importance of the problem and its danger to the individual and society in accordance with the requirements of the modern era according to the world witnessing the violence of successive wars and for many years that contribute in one way another to promote aggressive behavior in children and young people, especially males, whereas bullying became part of their behavior and as embedded habits in  their behavior and central features in their personalities as embedded habits in their behavior and central features in their personalities as Albert, psychologist and sociology, confirmed. The present study aimed to identify the impact of the application of the program of collective counseling to stimulate emotional intelligence in reducing the behavior of bullying in the Third Intermediate Class Students who are in transition from childhood to a more mature stage. The  sample was deliberately selected in the light of the findings of the survey conducted by the researcher with the help of some educational guides , which confirmed that bullying is one of the most prevalent negative phenomena in these areas, which is supported and promoted by most of the families there because they encourage the behavior of bullying , which they consider symbol of power and manhood , and to achieve these goals The researcher designed a program of guidance based on the five skills of emotional intelligence . The applied researcher obtained a sample of students who have the school bullying feature and a decrease in the level of emotional intelligence , they were (36) student. The researcher took the students as the experimental group applied for the guidance program by (10) sessions, including guidance bulletins, homework cards and structural assessment , and aimed at the current study to:

*Identification of school bullying among third intermediate class students .



How to Cite

شحل م. ا. ا. . (2020). فعالية برنامج إرشادي لتحفيز الذكاء الوجداني في خفض التنمر المدرسي لدى طلبة الثالث متوسط. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(2). Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/478



Research Article