((صبري حمادة ودوره السياسي في لبنان 1925 – 1943 (( دراسة تاريخية


  • المدرس الدكتور صفاء عبد الصاحب سلمان



This research dealt with Sabri Hamada , one of the Lebanese national characters who has a distinctive and real effect over the political developments in Lebanon . He has a great role in the modern political history of Lebanon for his passion to it , his nationality and not being sectarian in most of his attitudes . Despite that , he was the representative of Shea sect at the parliament .

In addition to that , his attitude in the hardest political era in Lebanon , specifically , the crisis of 1943 and the following events taken place , as he faced the French with national attitude and situations that forced them to change their policy against his country



How to Cite

سلمان ا. ا. . ص. ع. ا. . (2020). ((صبري حمادة ودوره السياسي في لبنان 1925 – 1943 (( دراسة تاريخية . Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(2). Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/487



Research Article