An Iraqi Form for Berry Acculturative Scale (AS) for Students University In the Kurdistan region


  • Azhar Abood Hasoon AL-Jewari
  • Dr. May Musadaq Dalfi AL-Shammari


The present research aims at preparing Iraqi Form for Berry Acculturative Scale (AS), through knowing the factorial Construction of the scale in the light Berry model of Students University in the Kurdistan region, Knowing its validity and reliability, Knowing the Acculturative among students university.

Berry (1997) have prepared the scale which consists of (29) items divided into four dimensions by (8) items for the assimilation dimension,(7) items for the separation   dimension,(5) items for the integration dimension,(9) items for the marginalization  dimension, and used the method of report statements in the drafting items of the scale, put in front of each item (7) scalable alternatives to answer is (strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, agree, strongly agree) They are given a correction when grades (7,6,5, 4, 3, 2, 1), After translation the scale, ascertaining its translation validity and analyzing its items logically by exposing it on a number of experts specialized in this field, its Applied scale on the sample amounting to (400) students from the students of the Iraqi Arab University in the Kurdistan region were selected style class random, were verified from the distinction power of the items of the scale using the extremist groups style and correlation of the degree of each item to the total degree of the scale, the validity were examined of scale through face validity and constructing validity by the examine construction of infrastructure for each scale, Which showed the presence of four factors of acculturation are Assimilation and marginalisation and separation and integration, The researcher looked for the reliability of the scale analysis of variance using the equation alpha Kronbach of the scale as a whole and for each factor of factors scale, and reliability coefficients were all good, the results showed:.The students of the Arab University in the Kurdistan Region enjoy Acculturative In light of the search results was to identify a set of recommendations and proposals



How to Cite

AL-Jewari أ. أ. ع. ح. ., & AL-Shammari د. م. م. د. . (2020). An Iraqi Form for Berry Acculturative Scale (AS) for Students University In the Kurdistan region. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(4), 137–162. Retrieved from



Research Article