Moral intelligence and its relationship with self-confidence among talented students


  • Huzaima Kamal Abdulmajeed


The present research aims at identifying the moral intelligence and selfconfidence
among talented students, as well as detected the correlation
between moral intelligence and self-confidence. It is limited to secondary
school students with age between (14-16) years. The sample of the research is
(140) students. The scale of moral intelligence has been prepared according to
Michele Borba, 2003s theory and by according to its seven fields. The second
scale is to measure the self-confidence according to the theory of Ericsson.
The psychometric characteristics of the two scales were confirmed and then
applied to the sample of the search. After processing the appropriate statistical
data, the following results have been shown:
1. The students of the secondary school of talented age between (14-16) have
moral intelligence.
2. The students of the secondary school of talented aged between (14-16) have
3. The existence of a positive correlative relation statistically significant
between intelligence and self-confidence, i.e. moral intelligence with its seven
merits among the talented students helps most gifted students to build their
confidence in themselves in a positive manner.
The recommendations and proposed reaches are:
1. Adding a lesson to schools for talented and ordinary students to teach the
virtues of the ethics and values which called for by Islam for more than
2. Leaders, teachers, intellectuals, and media workers must hardly work to create
moral models and enlightenment structure which could adopt moral values.
The models should be of power and influence enough that make them capable
of refuting bad models, represented by satellite channels, which broadcast
poisons and try to demolish moral values and spread racism and violence
aiming at creating a non-value generation blindly following what these
channels has aired. The most important suggestions:
1. Making similar researches about moral intelligence and its relationship to
some variants such as self-interaction and psychological alienation.
2. Conducting similar researches in the field of self-confidence of the talented
students and compare them with normal or slow learning students.



How to Cite

Kamal Abdulmajeed ح. . (2020). Moral intelligence and its relationship with self-confidence among talented students. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 17(4), 251–276. Retrieved from



Research Article