Fast Mobile Wireless Network Routing based on the Clustering and Chaos-CNN


  • Haider Kadhim Hoomod
  • Tuka Kareem Jebur


Wireless routing, mobile wireless, MANET, MANET routing, Clustering, wireless network clustering, Intelligent routing.


In this research we using intelligent algorithm such as neural network to
solve the problem of routing by finding the optimal path between source and
destination and clustering algorithm to find path in clusters. A new routing
algorithm based on the clustering and neural network was proposed. The
modification to chaotic Cellular neural network (MCCNN) was suggest,
combine with proposed Modified K-Mean clustering method to make the
routing more intelligent and adaptive in finding the optimal routes for ad hoc
wireless network (like MANET). Routing Results show how the proposed
routing algorithm were high speed comparing with Dijkstra algorithm. The
different of speed gaining time with percentage 250 t0 380%. This make
proposed algorithm useful in the fasting routing. Also, the results of the
proposed system are optimal path not only shortest path. It depending on the
group of factors and parameters to select the path between two points in the
wireless network.




How to Cite

Kadhim Hoomod, H. ., & Kareem Jebur, T. (2020). Fast Mobile Wireless Network Routing based on the Clustering and Chaos-CNN. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 18(1), 63–80. Retrieved from



Research Article