Images Enhancement for Low Lightness by Using Hybrid Retinex Wavelet Methods


  • Ali Jabbar Karam
  • Ali Abid D.Al ? Zuky
  • Hazim G. Daway
  • Nabeel.M.Mirza


Histogram Equalization --- Images Lightness --- Lux meter --- Retinex --- Wavelet --- Quality factor


This study focused on low lightness effect on captured images using two types of cameras (Samsung Camera (SM-Cam) and Sony Camera (SN-Cam)). Lighting environment is controlled by a lighting system depending on three fluorescents of light with different sizes and power. Three different images studied like chart color block and colored flowers. The outline of this paper divided to: First: Enhancement of lighting and contrast for images (colored test images and flower images) depending on three methods (Histogram Equalization, Retinex method and introduced method combined between (Retinex and wavelet) and depending on enhancement results and quality inspection standards for the image, the best method for enhancement is the introduce method then Retinex method then the Histogram Equalization method. Second: removing the noise by using traditional filters (mean and medium) and after removing the noise the efficiency of filters has been calculated by using two parameters (µ and ?) for the Homogeneous regions, where the best filter found to be is the mean filter.




How to Cite

Ali Jabbar Karam, Ali Abid D.Al ? Zuky, Hazim G. Daway, & Nabeel.M.Mirza. (2020). Images Enhancement for Low Lightness by Using Hybrid Retinex Wavelet Methods. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 17(5), 153–172. Retrieved from



Research Article