Efficient Technique to Improve Energy Exhausting in Intraclustering Communication for WSN


  • Aqeel K. Kadhim


Dual compression, image compression, intra-clustering, energy consumption.


Member nodes in a wireless sensor networks are split into many
virtual sets called cluster. Each cluster will be formed of a cluster head and
cluster members. Clustering techniques are an energy efficient process that
prolong the network lifetime. Intra-cluster communication is the energy
efficient major factor in clustering protocols. The dissipated energy in
intra-cluster will primary depends on the communication between member
nodes and its cluster head. Sensor node which equipped with camera for
intruder detection in a monitoring area, need to transfer the captured image
to cluster head directly. The improvement of powerful compression method
is much needed to minimize the requirement of communication bandwidth;
minimize the redundancy of data packets and to overcome the energy
limitation of wireless sensor. The proposed improved technique has extra
benefit to enhance the saving energy and to eliminate the consumption
energy to prolong the entire network lifetime, by present a significant data
reduction for the tested images.
The experimental results present that the proposed hybrid image
compression scheme which uses distinct image coding scheme based on
wavelet transform that combined effective types of compression algorithms
for further compression. EZW and SPIHT algorithms are types of
significant compression techniques that obtainable for lossy image
compression algorithms. This hybrid technique will improved the
efficiency of compression ratio between 8.1to 31.4%, and will present a
promising preservation energy technique in intra-clustering communication
by the ratio between 17.8 to 36.7% (depends on the specifications of the
tested image), which prolong the entire network lifetime. From the results
obtained, it became clear to us that the image with high color variation has
high compression ratio, lead to get high gain in energy for processing and
transmission the compressed data.




How to Cite

K. Kadhim , A. (2020). Efficient Technique to Improve Energy Exhausting in Intraclustering Communication for WSN. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(3), 91–108. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/620



Research Article