AL-ALBEIT Scientists Contributions in India


  • Jinan ali al-shimmari


This research deals with AL-ALBEIT Scientists Contributions in India , this subject is one of an important subjects which talks about the life of Al-Albeit scientists and jurists who had a significant role in publishing Islam in remote areas , their distinguish and active impacts that they achieved in building that communities and the great movement occurred in the life of people of policy , religion , social and intellectual . When they published Islam in its principles and derived systems with the ethics of high Arabism , the human of that communities became free of many restrictions abstracted his role in establishing and developing his society .

        Al-Albeit jurists have contributed in publishing Islam in India , many of Indians moved to Islam , after Muslims overthrew their idols and finished polytheism . Schools and mosques established in its place which targeted to learn Indians the principles of Haneef religion which led to make Islamic conquests in India and personalities of Al-Albeit participated with a most wonderful pictures of heroism and sacrifice they offered in their jihad where they penetrated into the jungles of India and reached to regions that Islam did not reach before and they remained strong in the greatest battles as a result of their believe in their case that they moved for it bearing Islam principles to those people wandering in ignorance and polytheism .

       The scientists and jurists have a very distinguish role in raising awareness of Islam and publishing it , Arabic Language , schools , religious sciences , curriculum  and Arabic language books that are taught there and Sufi methods . In all these fields , the Islamic communities affected in the region in what was prevalent in an intellectual centers in throughout Islamic world .



How to Cite

ali al-shimmari . ج. (2019). AL-ALBEIT Scientists Contributions in India. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(2), 24. Retrieved from



Research Article