الأدلة النقلية والعقلية على بطلان (أسطورة الغرانيق)


  • Ahmed Abdul Sattar Azeez Mamig


This research is one of the studies on AL-Quran Sciences that is dedicated to defend the holly Quran and the Prophet Mohammad (Allah pray and peace on Him and on His Household). The study rejects the oreintalists' accusations that the Prophet Muhammad forgot and read a verse in Quran in a wrong way i.e. not in the way He was told, in front of a crowd of the disbelievers in Mecca. This is the claimed story of AL-Garaneq . Thus, the resent research assures that the Prophet did never make any mistakes while telling the verses of Quran, and that the story of AL-Garaneq was improper and wrong from all sides, supporting this perspective by transmitted and logical pieces of evidence that affirm the wrongness of this story. However, the research does not present all the proofs that are given on the point under discussion, and is sufficed merely to the prominent and plain proofs , with the assistance of Allah.    



How to Cite

Abdul Sattar Azeez Mamig م. . (2019). الأدلة النقلية والعقلية على بطلان (أسطورة الغرانيق). Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(4), 16. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/656



Research Article