Free ports and their importance with reference to the Iraqi ports


  • Muntaha Taima Enad


Many developing countries have recently worked to establish free zones in their ports. Some have succeeded in this, such as the United Arab Emirates, which have achieved positive results in this regard and the possibility of benefiting from their experience in the development of free zones in Iraq. The success of the geographical location suitable for the establishment of this type of ports, in addition to the high numbers of consumers, so the research has tried to identify the concept of free ports and benefits achieved by these ports, and reviewed the successful free zones with a review of Iraqi ports and the reality of the regions Free in them.



How to Cite

Taima Enad م. (2019). Free ports and their importance with reference to the Iraqi ports. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(5), 193–204. Retrieved from



Research Article