Effect of educational supervision Between the concept supervisor supervisor and supervisor critical friend


  • Bashar sabbar odhaib


Educational supervision is an important part of the educational system, because it follows the implementation of the educational policy in any society, and directs the human and material potential towards achieving the goals of education, which the community seeks. In order for educational supervision to play its role in the development and advancement of the educational process, it is necessary to develop its concepts, methods and patterns in accordance with contemporary global trends and to play a key and effective role in developing the abilities and potentials of the teacher by providing him with the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes that enable him to perform his work. The educational supervisor is able to improve the performance of teachers and develop their abilities based on their own characteristics and personal attributes, because it is the responsibility

of the educational supervisor to guide teachers and guide them during their service, to meet the changes in contemporary and global In order to serve the learning process and achieve its objectives, the educators' view differed from the nature of the educational supervision through his career. Some of them are a personal process based on one-sided communication and aim to catch the mistakes of the teacher and his findings, Espionage and cruelty, and surprise teachers in their ranks; to evaluate their work through the results of their student without proposals for treatment, or respect for opinions, but the issuance of orders and instructions, while some considered it a process of bilateral interaction between the supervisor and educational teacher, aimed at correction and guidance and give Advice, rather than demonized and nitpick and surprise, and the threat of punishment. While others consider it a systematic process of participatory communication, with its inputs, processes and outputs, aimed at improving the process of teaching and learning, and to create professional growth for both teacher and supervisor. This difference in views is due to the progressive and progressive movement in the fields of education, educational technology and educational psychology resulting from the results of studies, research and educational practices in the field, which sought to develop the educational system and improve their efficiency. The need to find advanced systems, Educators and help them increase the effectiveness of their performance and practices in order to raise their productivity. But no matter how different the outlook on educational supervision, everyone agrees that the main goal is to improve the process of teaching and learning, but differed in the methods and methods to be followed to achieve this end. To achieve this goal, the process of advanced educational supervision has been linked to the professional growth of educational personnel in order to develop their educational and administrative performance support for learning and teaching processes. It also focused on developing educational curricula and educational resources to increase the efficiency and productivity of educational systems. It must be participatory diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic and constructional, working to reform unwanted educational practices, and earns the teacher the lack of modern skills, which makes it able to meet the challenges of the future and its variables, and Despite the importance of this role, but it is characterized by its complexity and complexity, and its different functions, functions, functions and roles are multiple and different, it is one of the main pillars in the educational process and in the development of educational work in general, and stems from the importance of the urgent need to a permanent device to develop the process Education and activation in the field of education as defined and painted educational goals predetermined, it has a key objective is to invest well and employ the available resources in the school, which serves the implementation of the curriculum and plans emanating from the development programs



How to Cite

sabbar odhaib ب. . (2019). Effect of educational supervision Between the concept supervisor supervisor and supervisor critical friend. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(6), 307–326. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/713



Research Article