Pilgrimage mechanisms in rhetorical discourse An analytical study in the book "The Secret of Eloquence" by Ibn Sinan Al-Khafaji


  • Saad Mohammad Ali Al-Tamimi


The book “Sir AL-Fasaha” was one of the most important rhetorical books that dealth with the subject of eloquence. Ibn Sinan AL-kafagi trried to stand at the secrets of eloquence.

Sinec the puroose of the book was to deal with the concept of eloquenceand the difference betven it and rhetoric ,  Ibn Sinan  tools  werelorgely based on explanation, interpretations  disclthoughssion and analysis. Although Ibn Sinan’s tools were rhetoric and theological but his style was dominated by explanation, interpretation and araguing .

    Hence this research was followed by careful reading to deal with the subject of arguing and itsvarions mechanisms in the rhetorical discourse in “Sir AL-Fasaha” book through Measurement, Similarity, interpretation, explanation and deduction. Ibn Sinan succeeded in employing these mechanisms to prove his theory of eloquence concept and its conditions .



How to Cite

Mohammad Ali Al-Tamimi س. . (2019). Pilgrimage mechanisms in rhetorical discourse An analytical study in the book "The Secret of Eloquence" by Ibn Sinan Al-Khafaji. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(6), 567–582. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/725



Research Article