Meanings of formulas of exaggeration in part of ama and its implications


  • Hassan Jassib Fatih


Many standard and non-standard versions of exaggeration com in apart of the holy auran. The views were vared and opinions were differed on the concept and meanings of indications of thes formulas among linguists and interpreters and this according to the stracture of each formula is formulated in the Qur,anin text. Because it has a great impact and effect in highlighting the formula. The main objective of this research was to explain and explain the methods of exaggeration and its formulas in the last part of the Holy Quran, as well as the statement of transformations and combinations that earn the words new rhetorical meanings, especially those changes that occur on the structure of the name of the actor, and the change it gets. The wording of the exaggeration is similar to the name of the actor in its significance to the event and its effect, or the character of it, but the name of the actor indicates a little and a lot, but the formula of exaggeration is greater than the name of the actor in the significance of exaggeration and increase in the event.



How to Cite

Jassib Fatih ح. . (2019). Meanings of formulas of exaggeration in part of ama and its implications. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(4), 1–16. Retrieved from



Research Article