Plants and their benefits in Andalusia (Citrus aurantium as a model)


  • أ.م.د. بثينة جبار زاجي الغزي
  • أ.م.د. انعام حسين احمد المحمدي


Andalusia , AL- Naranj, Plants, Cordoba المقدمة


The Arab-Islamic heritage in botany abounds with increasing interest in it, especially the Citrus  ( AL- Naranj ) plant, taking advantage of the abundance of Citrus trees in the cities of the East, noting that Citrus  (AL- Naranj ) is a type of citrus, especially Andalusia (Spain), which is known for its abundance of Citrus trees, according to historians and geographers. Consequently, the use of this tree was reflected in the courtyards of mosques, palaces and large houses, which belong to the wealthy of the Andalusian population, and this habit continues until now, according to some orientalists and visitors to Andalusian cities, and the Naranj tree is one of the most important wealth of nature, so its cultivation received the attention of caliphs and Andalusian ministers, such as the Caliph Al-Ma'mun, al-Wazir Mu'amal and others, and among the scholars interested in botany, is Ibn Basal al-Talitli, the son of the commoners of Ishbili, and Hamid al-Gharnati, who cared about the types of plants and classified them, in terms of their importance, benefits, harms, benefits and how to use them, as a treatment and medicine as prescriptions, in addition to their other household uses, and no We forget the beauty that she leaves during her transplant, so that the Europeans quoted a lot from them



How to Cite

جبار زاجي الغزي B., & حسين احمد المحمدي I. . (2021). Plants and their benefits in Andalusia (Citrus aurantium as a model). Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(1), 295–306. Retrieved from



Research Article