Bern hardt and his role in german military participation in the Spanish civill war 1963-1939


  • Assit Prof. Dr.Ali Nashme Hmaidi


Bern Hardt had an influential role in accelerating in the German military participation in the Spanish civil war between 1936 and 1939. He was the true and important organizer of the nature of this participation through the economic channels in the trade exchange operation between Nazi Germany and the rebelion forces led by Franco via the Hesma Company. This company had a civil cover but in fact it was an important means in the German interference in Spain through transporting the Spanish raw material in return for the German military support for Franco's forces



How to Cite

Nashme Hmaidi أ. ع. . (2021). Bern hardt and his role in german military participation in the Spanish civill war 1963-1939. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(1), 349–360. Retrieved from



Research Article