Quranic miracles in words derived from one linguistic root


  • Lecturer Dr. Ahmed Hanoun Miss


Quranic miracles, derivations, linguistic root


The researcher wanted to shed light on one of the characteristics of the Qur’anic style, which is the miracle through the word with one derivation, as it represents one of the prominent stylistic phenomena in Qur’an expression, and this diversity in derivation is one of the most visible evidence for the miracle of the Qur’anic vocabulary. That which took place on it, revealing the miracle of its selection through the structural pattern of it, observing the most important meanings and kindness that it gained after experiencing this study.        

The researcher noticed that the noble Qur’an expression had been used in some places in terms that were not familiar in the Arabic dictionary.



How to Cite

Hanoun Miss م. د. أ. . . (2021). Quranic miracles in words derived from one linguistic root. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(2), 93–106. Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/869



Research Article