The poetry of textual thresholds in collections Aref al-Saadi


  • Assist. Prof. Dr Jamal Ajeel Sultan Al-Azbjee


Arif, blogs, threshold, cover, color


Thresholds formed a basis for compliance with the text, and the consistency of the attributes of his presence. Rather, the mission went beyond some texts being attached to (threshold) rather than the other way around, and this is what we found in the contexts of the well-known immortal with an approximate mechanism that simulates what the narrator provides to the subject, within the parameters of availability for the intended meaning of any text.

It is no secret to the subject of the research in this (thyme), or (the substrate) the basis that the thresholds of them are not born dead, and among them what extinguishes the presence of the presence, as they are loaded with referrals that return to the initial exclusion of the text, and there are thresholds that are born in full wellness of meaning, but add to the text animated life , Produces proactive deliveries

to anticipate the magic of the text



How to Cite

Ajeel Sultan Al-Azbjee أ. ج. . (2021). The poetry of textual thresholds in collections Aref al-Saadi. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(2), 157–174. Retrieved from



Research Article