Omira Tayyi dialect and its meaning in Quranic readings


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Safa Ridha Obaid Al-Shammari


dialect, meaning, reading


This paper aims to introduce the clan named “Ameerata –el-Taaieeian”,  and their dialect and the position of this dialect in the Quraanic readings. This is in the light of the  collection of their dialectal effects. These effects are substantiated with the evidence from the Quraanic readings  cited in the old standard books and some modern ones.

The paper has reached the conclusion that the dialect of Taaeey Clan has  a clear presence in the Quraanic readings and in Arabic too. An indicator of this dialectal effect is the well-known linguistic behaviour of this dialect which is the use of two subjects for the same one verb, as in the sentence /aklooni al-baragheeth/ I me eaten the fleas/the fleas they have eaten me/. This is illustrated in the Quraanic verse :

"و اسروا النجوى الذين ظلموا......./and they confer in secret The wrongdoers say:

Another dialectal effect is الأستنطاء /al-?istantaa/ ,which is the change of the sound ع/9/ into /n/ if the adjacent sound is /t/. Another linguistic feature is التلتلة /taltalah/ which is the change of the diacritic sign of the first letter of the present tense verb. This is in addition to the presence of assimilation.

Other dialectal effects are present in the Quraanic readings mainly aimed at making the pronunciation much easier. Some developmental research work is needed.



How to Cite

Ridha Obaid Al-Shammari أ. . (2021). Omira Tayyi dialect and its meaning in Quranic readings. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(2), 649–660. Retrieved from



Research Article