Design E-Learning Content Model Application


  • Abdullah Farhan Mahdi


Design, E-Learning.


Over the past five years, the field of phone application development has developed number of phone software companies and the growing sophistication of smart phones, developers have been building several types of applications on different platforms, creating obstacles and problems for developers when you want to build an application for all devices. When you plan to turn your idea into a phone application, then it is time to think about the way you build and then the platforms on which your application (Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry ...) will come. The most important time is to choose any programming language you will build your application on any platform without Forget to make sure your application is native, hybrid, or cross-platform. We will recognize native applications and hybrids and the difference between them

Learning is an activity that lasts as long as the humans will ever last. It is undoubtedly and rightly considered a vital issue that contributes to the development of any society ever found. Two factors are important to the learning process: one is the learning style; the other is the applied technology. Styles can vary but the educational goal is always the same. Some students prefer "the visual style" like diagrams and pictures whereas some others prefer "The Aural Style" like sounds and music. Technology is merely that collection of tools that help to deliver the educational content in an effective manner. An example of these tools is the internet and computers. Technology has had a major effect in increasing the spread of learning and in improving the educational level. Learners are now able to engage in the learning process whenever and wherever he/she wants. Learners can now also interact freely with the other learners and with tutors too.

This does not completely undermine or delete the traditional method of learning at all. Despite the restraints and needed commitments required by the classroom environment

it still has an integral part complementary to e-learning. E-learning appeared in the early 1990's and has had a deep impact on the evolution of the learning process. This is due to the above mentioned benefits of immobilization and time-limit free characteristic of e-learning as an inherent nature. The effect of exchange of ideas and knowledge between all the involved members of the process is extremely.

Keywords: E-learning, mobile applications, visual style, hybrid applications




How to Cite

Farhan Mahdi, A. . (2021). Design E-Learning Content Model Application. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 22(3), 1–16. Retrieved from



Research Article