(أثر هجرة الرسول(ص) على الحياة الاقتصادية في المدينة المنورة (دراسة تاريخية


  • أ.م سحر عبد الله محمد



       In the era of the Islamic state, after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad, Medina enjoyed a healthy economic life after it did not give the full economic benefits, despite the availability of wealth and great economic potential, because of the Jews who invested the differences between the tribes of Alus and Khazraj, The Jews dominated most of the economic life; but that ended when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) took control of the city and the people benefited from its wealth and the best use, which was reflected on the aspects of economic life from agriculture, Agricultural land in the cultivation of crops and the care of palm trees, figs and peaches, which not only achieved self-sufficiency, but also took an important part of production to export and trade to the rest of the regions; livestock was also an important entry into the civil economy, As well as the care of horses and other animals, which had a great impact on the economic life of the people of the city; and because of the existence of large riches of agricultural and animal, I have Some of the population in the city are industrial characters from various industries such as food, carpentry, cutting, tanning, agriculture, fishing and warfare. Trade was also present in Madinah, which eliminated the bad dealings in the era of ignorance and before the migration of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) , To turn Medina into an important commercial center not only in the Hijaz, but with remote areas in Yemen, Syria and Iraq.




How to Cite

محمد أ. س. ع. ا. . (2020). (أثر هجرة الرسول(ص) على الحياة الاقتصادية في المدينة المنورة (دراسة تاريخية. Mustansiriyah Journal for Sciences and Education, 20(2). Retrieved from https://edumag.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/mjse/article/view/485



Research Article